Ice Tray
Refuse to be orthodox.
Quick facts
Initial release: 2023
Current version: 1.031
Total styles: 3
Script: Extended Latin
Class: Display, pixel
Design features:
Diagonal emphasis
Connected construction
Expressive letterform design
Tall x-height
OpenType features:
Localized forms
Discretionary ligatures
Lining figures
Oldstyle figures
Proportional figures
Tabular figures
Stylistic sets:
ss01 · Single storey a
ss02 · Double storey g
ss03 · Disconnected K P R k p q
ss04 · Simplified C E F I J N O T
ss04 · Simplified c e n p r
ss05 · Lowercase-style Y
ss06 · Uppercase-style y
ss07 · Alternate &
ss08 · Art deco N
Reese Lee—type design and production
The story of Ice Tray
A grid-based display face inspired by the freezing of water and the frozen water “bridges” formed in ice cube trays. It’s designed for display use—being comprised of wild unorthodox letterforms set on a rigid grid.

Font Size
Line Height
Letter Spacing
Single storey a (ss01)
Simplified CEFIJNOTcenpr (ss04)
Alternate & (ss07)
Double storey g (ss02)
Lowercase-style Y (ss05)
Art deco N (ss08)
Disconnected KPRkpq (ss03)
Uppercase-style y (ss06)
Lining and oldstyle figures

Th–tha–th–that’s all folks!